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8 years ago…

8 years ago, 31 October 2002, a notorious criminal who is also a self proclaimed separatist leader in Papua, escaped along with another inmate. His name is Benny Wenda. Now he lives freely in Oxford, UK, escapes from justice and becomes the untouchable with a cunning smile deceiving British people with a peaceful campaign. While on the other side of the world, two families are waiting for justice which may never come true because the murderer or the man who responsible for the death of their fathers can not be touched by the law. That man is Benny Wenda.

Papua Indonesia: One People One Soul

Papua isn’t different like another provinces in Indonesia. We were established our country together with the same of act or equality rules. The different one just based from race, the eastern of Indonesian inhabitant ( Papua, Maluku n Timor Islands) are Melanesian Negroid Race not like majority of Indonesian that Malayan Mongoloid Race, but itsn’t a matter coz its nothing dominate supperior here, like Caucasoid to Aborigin in Australia, itsn’t being in Papua. Papuan held their own govermential there. We’ve some Caucasoid Race too in Acehnese, North Sumatra. Continue reading

The Youth Pledge

The Youth Pledge

We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one motherland, Indonesia.
We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one nation, the nation of Indonesia.
We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, respect the language of unity, Indonesian. Continue reading

Testimony of US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Robert Scher
Asian and Pacific Security Affairs
Office of the Secretary of Defense
before the
Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the Global Environment
Committee on Foreign Affairs
United States House of Representatives
September 22, 2010

“Crimes Against Humanity: When Will Indonesia’s Military Be Held Accountable for Deliberate and Systematic Abuses in West Papua?”

Mr. Chairman, thank you for the opportunity to discuss the Indonesian military’s activities in Papua and West Papua. This issue is important to our relationship with Indonesia, and one that we in the Department of Defense are paying very close attention to. I look forward to sustaining an on-going dialogue with you as these dynamics evolve.

Indonesia is a strategically important country to the United States for several reasons. It is the fourth most populous country on the planet, is home to more Muslims than any other country in the world, and stretches more than 3,000 miles across a key maritime transit route that connects the Middle East to East Asia. These have been facts for a long time. However, now we can add another reason that makes Indonesia important to the United States, and that is that Indonesia is a democracy. In fact, since the fall of Suharto more than ten years ago, Indonesia has taken its place as the world’s third largest democracy. In that short time, Indonesia has made great advancements in consolidating its democracy, an important piece of which is progress on both defense reform and military professionalization.

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The Status of Papua, Indonesia

U.S. Policy

Developments affecting Papua, which includes the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua, are closely followed by the Department of State and represent an important aspect of our overall relations with Indonesia. The United States recognizes and respects the territorial integrity of Indonesia within its current borders and does not support or condone separatism in Papua, or in any other part of the country. At the same time, we strongly support respect for universal human rights within Indonesia, including the right of peaceful assembly, free expression of political views, and the fair and non-discriminatory treatment of ethnic Papuans within Indonesia.

Joe Yun
Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Statement Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment
Washington, DC
September 22, 2010
Source : US Department of State