Archive for November, 2010|Monthly archive page

Child injured in Papua attack

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sun, 11/28/2010 6:55 PM | Archipelago

Police announced Sunday that a 10-year-old child was among those injured in an attack perpetrated by unidentified armed men in Nafri village, Abepura, Jayapura. Continue reading

On the Papua torture video

The world would love to congratulate Mr. Andreas Harsono for his contribution to disclose the papua torture video worldwide, but the world will not automatically recognised  the black campaign of Papua separatist groups which have tried to used the video case as its political maneuver to steal the world attention to them.

All Indonesian and especially Papuan ethnic group appreciate the serious efforts by the Government of Indonesia in conducting an investigation into the case of the video recording thoroughly. A special team was formed to handle these issues as a form of attention and seriousness of the government of Indonesia on this matter.

Military members who perform beyond the government’s macro policies will be investigated in accordance to the rules that apply in the military.

Since 2005, the Government of Indonesia has implemented the economic  and welfare approach to the problem in Papua and the security approach has been decreased dramatically.

Aspect of empowerment of indigenous people is used in order to bring stability to support economic prosperity in the community. However, stability and security are a prerequisite in building and creating wealth. In reality, armed activities of the Free Papua Movement that disrupt security in Papua do exist even though the scale is not too big. TNI and Police have the main duty to enforce security so that economic activity continues to run well.

The false peaceful campaign of the Free Papua Movement is becoming more and more dangerous because they do harm harmony and peace in Papua by instigating hatred, racist comment and fueling local conflict by sending wrong messages to the world.

Please be careful with all Free Papua Movement campaign !